
Installing TEX

  1. TEXLIVE2024 iso (BIG iso image, 5GB+)
  2. MacTeX
    1. MacTeX.pkg (5.6GB+)
    2. BasicTeX
    3. MacTeXtras
    4. Ghostscript
  3. tlnet installers
    1. Windows::exe*
    2. Windows::zip
    3. unix::script
  4. MiKTeX
    1. basic-miktex-24.1-x64.exe

TEXLIVE repository

  1. Make this site your main repository:
    tlmgr option repository

  2. Make this site your aux repository: If you do not need the KTUG Private Repository for Korean LaTeX users, ignore the items from 2 to 5.
    tlmgr repository add ktug

  3. If you have never registered the pinning info to ktug repository, then execute the following command just once: for only KTUG Private Repository
    tlmgr pinning add ktug "*"

  4. test KTUG Private Repository
    tlmgr install jiwonlipsum

  5. add GPG key for KTUG Private Repository: If your are on a system without gpg, just skip this.
    wget &&
    tlmgr key add /path/to/

  6. Update TEXLIVE
    tlmgr update --all --self

  7. Some useful commands:
    tlmgr repository list
    tlmgr pinning show